Thursday, July 9, 2009

Day 10 Part 3

1) A performance that impressed me was a skit i watched in primary school. The actors acted so real-like that it was hard to imagine that it was just an act.However, if it were me, i would not want to start a career in acting. This is because i am very shy and quiet and am not good at expressing myself.

2) I agree that some people worry too much. i usually worry about daily things such as homework, upcoming tests and exams. However, as long as you make sure that you do your things well and have confidence, you need not worry about anything.

Day 10 Part 2

This picture depicts a man and a woman entertaining at an old folks home. The man is currently performing a traditional folk dance for the old folks. The old folks seem to be enjoying themselvesand the people's company as ther are even joining along the dance from where they are seating. I think that the elderly find the activity interesting asbeing cooped up in the home all day is not good and it is great to have some exercises to stretch.

Day 8 Part 3

1) i would like to start a lan game shop one day. This is because, more and more children are playing and using computers. Furthermore, I am great at IT and would have no problems with the computers. However, running the shop may be difficult. this is because a lot of money would be needed and advertisements to attract people's attention. Time must also be spent looking after the shop.
2) Difficulties a woman faces by persuing a career and having a family would be that she would be unable to take care of her children. I feel that employers can help these women by allowing them to take leave to take care of their children when something crops up.

Day 8 Part 2

This pictur depicts a woman playing with a group of children. In my opinion, I think that this is actually a childcare centre and the woman must be one of the workers there. They all seem to be enjoying themseves, even the woman. I feel that they are enjoying themselves as they are playingtogether. Playing together helps strengthen the bond between friends. I feel that after this, the children may most probablymove on to another game.

Day 6 Part 3

1)There was once when i accidentally accused my brother of taking my things when he actually did not. i was angered and would not even listen to him when he claimed to be innocent. It was after a few days that a actually it. I had actually lost it. Through that experience, i learnt not to jump into conclusions and falsely accuse people without any proof.
2) I think that everyone can be good at sports. There are a wide variety of sports people can choos from and suit almost everybody. However, there are people who do better at some sports than others. In my opinion, it is due to the amount of effort put into playig the sport. if someone truely loves the sport, he would naturally contiue to better himself at it. I feel that anybody, regardless of man or woman, are good at sports. As long as they have the interest, they can be good at the sport.

Day 6 part 2

This picturedepicts a group on girls cheering at a stadium. It would most likely be their school's sports day and the girl's are cheering for their school. They seem to be enjoying themselves and are rather excited tyhis could be because their school is winning. In my opinion, the fact that the girls are cheering for their school is good as it instills a sense of belonging toward the school.

Day 4 Part 3

1) An area of natural beauty would be the Bukit Timah Nature reserve. The first time i came to the reserve, it awed me to see such a wwide diversity of plants all in one place. it was amazing how a place booming with plant-life could be found in a place like Singapore, a place congested with cars and buildings. I would strongly recommend going to visit the nature reserve. I am sure that they would feel the same as i did and realise how important nature is.

Day 4 Part 2

This picture depicts a scene of a wheelchair bound man being aided by other people to board a bus. I feel that the poeple around the man are helping him in many ways. one example is the man pushing the wheelchair and the bus driver. as there is a steep slope to cross before getting on the bus, the two men are helping the disabled man a lot. I feel that the man would probably feel thankful towards the people as they still cared about him despite his disability.

Day 2 part 3

1)i enjoy going to the hairdresser. This is because every time I get a haircut, there will be so many different styles to try out. Furthermore, itfeels great to be able to show off your hairstyle to others and letting them admire. In my opinion, hairstyles are important as it reflects your personality. It can also distinguish people and everybody can be different

2)I feel that devices like the CCTV and security cameras in provate places and indeed necessary. This is because by having such devices installed, people would feel more secure. Furthermore, these devices would also help increase security

Day 2 part 2

This picture depicts a group of women learning hairdressing. In my opinion, I think that these people arehere to pick up skills in hairdressing so that they are able to work or start their own salons. They seem to be enjoying themselves as they are trying out different new hairstyles. They are all concentrating very hard as they cut and trim the hair of the dummies. , making them look their best. I feel that their next activity would be to learn how to wash a person's hair. This is because, other than cutting and styling a person's hair, hairdressers also know how to wash a customer's hair. That is why this activity could be possible.